Fans of Larian Studios'Divinity: Original Sin 2know that the acclaimed RPG provides quite a lot of options for players - specially in gainsay. After all, the game allows players to control almost all aspects of the game environs. Moreover, the game's intuitive spellcasting arrangement allows players to mix and match spells (chosen Skills) to fit their needs. Every bit such, new and old players alike may find themselves intrigued when edifice a magic-user for the game.

For example, players can create characters that focus on summoning minions. Meanwhile, other characters can wield both melee weapons and certain combat-oriented spells. Nonetheless, with the numerous Skill Schools bachelor, just how should a actor approach spellcaster characters? Moreover, with the many builds players can potentially create, how should they approach creating efficient spellcasters?

Updated March eighth, 2022 by Rhenn Taguiam:WithBaldur's Gate 3serving as an exciting expect into how Larian Studios will make aD&Dgame withOriginal Sin 2's gameplay, fans ofDivinity: Original Sin twomight savor more tips on tinkering with their mages in unexpected ways in theirOriginal Sin twoplaythroughs.

15 Build A Rotation Based On Interactions

divinity original sin mage fire

Equally with nigh MMOs, magic users oftentimes devastate battlefields with their immense command over AOE spells. Sadly, in Original Sin ii , Action Bespeak (AP) restrictions hateful Spellcasters can't just dish out i powerful spell after the other. All the same, practical Spellcasters can withal meet mean impairment numbers with the correct rotation.

For case, players should always consider how their Skills interact whenever they bandage them every turn. For example, Geomancer and Pyrokinetic Skills ever work together as oil can brand and enhance fire. Likewise, Hydrosophist and Aerotheurge Skills piece of work mitt-in-manus as water can facilitate the spread of lightning. In retrospect, this also ways that players should consider how to maximize the environment to benefit their spells. For instance, why waste AP on other Schools when a puddle of oil is just waiting for a good ol' Pyrokinetic Skill?

14 Become The Correct Gear

divinity original sin skeleton mage

Theoretically, any character can wield whatsoever weapon and wear whatever armor provided they accept the right Attribute points. All the same, some combat roles depend on specific Attributes to maximize their damage output and performance. For instance, players know that Spellcasters need their Intelligence to maximize their magic-based damage and Magical Armor. In turn, players need to equip their Spellcasters with gear that raises Intelligence every bit much equally possible. With that in mind, all's good, right?

Well, players demand to ensure that their Spellcasters likewise go gear that enables them to fulfill their part on the battlefield. For case, players who can't invest in a Skill School should probably go a weapon that enables their Spellcaster to use Skills from that School even without points. For example, a Pyrokinetic-focused Spellcaster can wear a wand with a Geomancer Skill or the Gloves of Teleportation for the free Teleportation Skill. That way, a Spellcaster can finer heighten their arsenal without branching out of their builds of choice.

13 Consider Altitude

divinity original sin magister swordsman

Due to the fragile nature of Spellcasters, they should e'er consider casting their Skills from a safe distance. Ideally, the farther they are, the harder it takes for enemies to hit them. For instance, a hard-hitting melee boss would have to spend a lot of AP just to travel near the Spellcaster to country a striking. Besides, fifty-fifty some ranged enemies would need to waste product AP just to become a clear shot of the Spellcaster.

Ideally, Spellcasters should get the Far Out Man Talent to further increase their Skill range past 2-meters. This is a huge leap of distance, every bit this substantially allows Spellcasters to be near out of gainsay range from all enemies in the field. Likewise, this gives Spellcasters like shooting fish in a barrel access to exits should they need to resupply or reposition themselves in boxing. Call up, Spellcasters rely on their intellect and wits to outsmart the enemies - and being able to assail from a distance immediately expands their battle options.

12 Maximize The Turn

No matter how powerful a Spellcaster is, their AP immediately limits the kinds of things they could do in a single turn. Remember, about characters start with only 4AP every plow. As such, Spellcasters need to retrieve hard nearly whether a single high-AP Skill would be worth the toll compared to multiple low-AP Skills in their turn. Ideally, Spellcasters should wait until they have their full set of six (6) AP to spend on a multitude of Skills.

Likewise, players can always equip their Spellcasters with AP-boosting Skills. These include the Lone Wolf Talent capable of adding +2 Maximum AP while immediately starting with 6AP every plough. Additionally, the Glass Cannon Talent ever lets a grapheme start with Maximum AP at the cost of their Armor non protecting them from statuses.

eleven Get Assist

divinity original sin magister bellworth

Despite their sheer firepower, Spellcasters in Original Sin ii tend to have extremely weak concrete defenses. Unless they're facing other Spellcasters, a mean whack with a sword can hands tear through their Concrete Armor and their Vitality. In turn, Spellcasters should e'er work in tandem with other melee combatants in the party. Aside from keeping them safe, melee combatants such as Warrior-types and Rogue-types should synergize their combat strategies with the Spellcaster to brand the most out of their Skills.

For example, Spellcasters tin always serve as the last-in, commencement-out of a combat come across. Thanks to their distance control, they can dish out powerful AOEs from a distance and and then leave combat. That way, the melee combatants can cease the battle without the Spellcaster risking their safe. Likewise, the fast-paced healing of non-combat exploration can help Spellcasters regenerate their CDs, get back to battle, and exit but as speedily.

x Maximize Spells With Intelligence

Intelligence marked in the Attribute list

Building the perfect spellcaster begins as before long as players commence character creation. Earlier proceeding with anything specific, mages should have notation of some priority Attributes to focus on. Even so, of all these Attributes, Intelligence fits spellcasters perfectly. In essence, Intelligence improves the authorisation of magical spells and effects, equally well as wands and staffs.

For specifics, every Intelligence signal increases Scroll and Spell damage by v-pct. Every bit such, merely having twenty Intelligence gives spellcasters a massive 100-per centum damage increase when casting spells. This gene also explains why Intelligence-based characters seem to dominate the battleground when they use Pyrokinetic, Geomancer, Aerotheurge, and Necromancer Skills.

ix Never Forget Retentiveness

Skill Equip tab in the game with Memory encircled

The best spellcasting builds become useless if they don't have the correct Skills. Equally such, Memory allows characters to "equip" Skills they know, according to how many Memory slots they accept. Numbers-wise, each Memory point gives players 1 Retentiveness slot. Moreover, players go another Retention slot when they reach an even-numbered level (or every two levels). Simple, right?

However, players should keep their Retentivity betoken conservation in check. Recall, more stiff Skills such as Summon Artillery Plant (Geomancer), Mass Cleanse Wounds (Hydrosophist), Black Shroud (Necromancer) already occupy 2 Memory slots.

Moreover, some of the nearly powerful Skills such as Blood Storm (Necromancer), Thunderstorm (Aerotheurge), and Meteor Shower (Pyrokinetic) occupy three Retentiveness slots.

A Mage aiming an attack

Players who want to optimize their spellcasters would want to maximize their opportunities in combat. Thanks to Wits, a spellcaster can act faster, spot special parts of the environs, and, most importantly for min-maxers, increment critical chance. Numbers-wise, each Wits point increases Critical Take chances past 1-percentage and adds one Initiative. All the same, these simple additions reap massive benefits in the long-term.

Remember, an Aspect tin can have a maximum of xl points - meaning, min-maxers can create a mage with a whopping +40-percent Critical Chance. Moreover, the more Initiative points a character has, the earlier they go to roll in gainsay. As RTS fans know, the beginning motility tin ofttimes dictate the flow of the battle.

vii Constitution Is Wealth, Probably

Character vital stats

Mages who prioritize their spells tend to have weak bodies, making them extremely vulnerable. As such, optimal spellcaster builds oftentimes accept Constitution into consideration. In essence, each Constitution point grants players 7-percent more Vitality (HP). In plough, this factor implies Constitution works best with melee-based fighters and tanks.

Players confident that their spellcaster has backup should probably put fewer points in Constitution and more in Wits. Ideally, the spellcaster's speed should recoup for their low health. After all, higher Initiative enables spellcasters to reposition in the map much earlier, set up defenses more than efficiently, and attack enemies much faster.

6 Talents Found Builds

Talent Select tab in the game

Aside from Skill Schools and Attributes, Talents further diversify a graphic symbol's skillset in gild to make them more than efficient in combat. Nonetheless, as players might notice, some Talents seem perfect for a spellcaster. For example, Mnemonic grants a much-needed 3-point heave in Memory, which can give players extra points to use for Attributes like Intelligence or Wits.

In turn, Savage Sortilege maximizes a spellcaster's Wits. This Talent equates a magic skill's crit chance equal to the character's Critical Adventure Score. Additionally, Far Out Human'due south 2-meter Skill range boost further capitalizes on a spellcaster's distance.

Interestingly, the right Talent can as well maximize particular mage builds. For example, Hothead gives a 10-percentage boost to Critical Hazard and Accuracy at full Vitality, perfect for Necromancer builds. Moreover, debuff builds get increased duration with Torturer, while element-based builds go AP reduction perks with Elemental Analogousness.

5 Become Elemental

A Pyrokinetic spell about to be cast

Spellcasters volition realize the potential of combining surfaces and elemental Skills early on in the game. As such, it's extremely easy to build an efficient element-based build for mages. In this case, mages should focus on creating surfaces that work together - such equally oil and burn down, poison and fire, and h2o and electricity. As such, Skills such every bit Fossil Strike (Geomancer) and Fireball (Pyrokinetic), and Chain Lightning (Aerotheurge) become essential assets. In turn, useful Talents such every bit Elemental Affinity work groovy with this build!

Moreover, extra Skills such equally Teleportation and Tactical Retreat work with this build for positioning. Lastly, Apotheosis (Polymorph) give spellcasters a risk to go nuclear for two turns!

4 Become Summoning

An Incarnate summon

Alternatively, spellcasters who desire to employ the aid of summons tin can actually make a Summoning-heavy build. This build relies mostly on chemical element-based Conjure Incarnate equally well equally the extra support from Elemental Totem in combat. Of course, this build requires spellcasters to get all infusions for summons to boost their capabilities.

In turn, the straightforward nature of this build leaves room open for full support abilities. Equally such, summoners can get Fortify (Geomancer) and Armour of Frost (Hydrosophist) to boost ally defenses. Meanwhile, Enrage (Warfare), Haste, and Peace of Mind (Pyrokinetic) can provide valuable buffs to the party.

3 Get Tanking

An AOE spell about to be cast

RPG fans know that mages can't tank nether any circumstance - except with the right build. In fact, mages can maximize AOE Skills that centers around them to hit opponents that blitz towards them. Moreover, with the right defense force, spellcasters can atomic number 82 the boxing every bit a tank. For case, self-AOE Skills such as Contamination and Poison Moving ridge (Geomancer), besides as Ignition and Supernova (Pyrokinetic) can punish enemies who get too close.

Still, this build works best with defensive and evasive Skills such as Uncanny Evasion and Blinding Radiance (Aerotheurge) to brand mages virtually invincible for a while!

2 Position Is Essential

A Pyrokinetic spell to be cast to a nearby enemy

Unlike other builds, spellcasters need the best access to mobility Skills due to their fragile nature. Thankfully, some Skill Schools offer great mobility options perfect for spellcasters who need to reposition themselves in battle.

For instance, Teleportation (Aerotheurge) from another character can get a spellcaster out of problem. Meanwhile, the spellcaster can use Nether Swap (Aerotheurge) to change places with whatsoever creature in range. Moreover, Spread Your Wings (Summoning) grants Flight that ignores surfaces.

Likewise, spellcasters tin invest in more martial Skills to give them both mobility and physical assault options. These Skills include Tactical Retreat (Huntsman), Cloak and Dagger (Scoundrel), and Phoenix Swoop (Warfare) - all of which provide decent mobility for just 2 Skill Points. Moreover, just having two Skill Points in whatsoever of these martial Schools grants admission to decent physical Skills.

1 Consider Going Physical

Mage equipped with a Shield

Just because spellcasters specialize in slinging spells doesn't hateful they ever take to exist in the rear guard. Granted, Intelligence-focused builds will give spellcasters more Magic Armor only less Physical Armor and Health. Thankfully, players might want to invest a bit in Constitution to get more HP.

Moreover, while a staff completes the spellcaster "wait," the brusk-ranged staff becomes unideal for the innate long-range nature of the spellcaster. This factor explains why a lot of spellcasters rely on wands, be it one-manus or dual wield. Subsequently all, most wands grant extra Skills. Meanwhile, an off-paw Shield tin give mages much-needed Physical Armor.

Lastly, spellcasters should consider investing in martial Skill Schools to diversify their set on options. For instance, Huntsman gives bonuses to ranged attacks and attacking from college ground. Meanwhile, spellcasters with daggers tin can invest in Scoundrel to maximize backstab damage and harm-over-fourth dimension. Lastly, Warfare gives spellcasters damage buffs and oversupply control abilities in melee.

NEXT: 10 Pro Tips For Divinity: Original Sin two For The Switch

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